Welcome to My Showcase!

This is where I display some interesting projects, favorite photographs, beloved items, and anything else I want to share with the world.

Feel free to browse around and explore. I hope you find joy and inspiration in discovering what I have showcased here.


Unbounded Scene Representation Based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF)

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is a view synthesis technique for implicit scene representation, used in task like 3D reconstruction. While effective for small scenes, it struggles with unbounded large scenes, producing blurry images and slow training speeds. This project improved NeRF using Mip-NeRF 360 reproduction, SAM image segmentation, LaMa image completion to enhance performance in unbounded scenes.

Image Completion with Structure Propagation

This project replicated the methodology from the paper "Image Completion with Structure Propagation", which enhances traditional image completion by using structural lines to guide the restoration process. The technique involves three main steps: users annotate important structures with lines, source patches are collected along these lines for structural propagation, and block-based texture synthesis completes the image. The implementation supports direct and curved lines, and allows for extensive user interactions such as selecting repair areas, drawing structure lines, specifying texture sources, and making photometric adjustments.

A Homemade Newtonian Reflecting Telescope

This project built a Newtonian reflecting telescope and used it to observe the moon. During the observations, issues such as shaking images, inability to see the entire view of the moon, and low definition were encountered. By adding a tripod, implementing image stitching, and using a single image haze removal algorithm for dehazing, we finally obtained a high-definition panoramic view of the entire moon.

Open City: A First-person building/roaming game powered by OpenGL

This project involved developing a first-person building/roaming game using OpenGL. It included basic voxel-based modeling, supported importing OBJ format 3D meshes, and featured fundamental materials and textures. The game used depth-based fog effects and the Blinn-Phong lighting model for multi-light rendering with directional lights, point lights, and spotlights. Shadow mapping with Percentage-Closer Filtering (PCF) was used to render and soften shadows. Collision detection was implemented via the Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB) algorithm. Additionally, it included a particle system and simulated water ripples through displacement mapping to enhance visual and interactive experiences.

Arduino-Powered Beverage Dispenser

This project used an Arduino Mega 2560 to create a beverage dispenser for summer drinks, including coffee, milk, and sprite. It featured an LCD1602 display, a 10K potentiometer, KY-040 rotary encoders, submersible pumps, an SG-90 servo, a DS18B20 temperature sensor, and a relay for safe operation. More details can be viewed through this link.